Local Democracy Week 2018

Local Democracy Week 2018

Local Democracy Week 2018Local Democracy Week is a way of helping people to be more aware of, and more involved with, the issues that really matter in our local communities. In Kirklees, we’re celebrating throughout October 2018. Here are the events we know about so far. Or if you’d like to organise your own event or activity, here are 5 ways to be part of Local Democracy Week 2018.

Previous events:

Celebrating local suffragettes

Greenhead Park History Hour

Dora ThewlisWednesday 3rd October
12.30pm to 1.30pm
Community Room, Greenhead Park, Huddersfield HD1 4HS

This year is the centenary of the 1918 Act that gave the first voting rights to women. The Friends of Greenhead Park History Hour is marking this with an illustrated talk by local historian David Cockman, telling the story of four local suffragettes from the Holme and Colne Valleys who took part in the historic struggle to achieve votes for women. The Community Room is in the cafe building by the tennis courts. Everyone is welcome and there’s no need to book.

Friends of Greenhead Park | Vote 100 in Kirklees

Golcar Ward Forum

How good is our place?

GolcarGolcar Ward Forum
Tuesday 9th October, 7pm to 9pm
Jill Moorhouse Room, The Elms
78 New Street, Milnsbridge, Huddersfield HD3 4LD

At this Forum for citizens of the Golcar ward you can hear feedback and next steps following the recent “How good is your place?” pilot project in the area. The project asked what people feel about living in Golcar, Cowlersley, Milnsbridge and Longwood. You can also hear local updates and put your questions to your ward councillors: Cllr Christine Iredale, Cllr Hilary Richards and Cllr Richard Murgatroyd.

How good is our place?

Democracy drop-in & Full Council

Learn more about how our local democracy is changing

Huddersfield Town HallWednesday 10th October
Drop-in from 4.30pm, Meeting 5.30pm to 9pm
Reception Room & Council Chamber, Huddersfield Town Hall
Corporation Street, Huddersfield HD1 2ET

Want to find out more about how democracy is changing in Kirklees and how you can get involved? Come along to our informal drop-in ahead of October’s Full Council meeting to meet members of the Democracy Service and pick up promotional materials that you can share in your community. Members of Kirklees Youth Council will also be there to talk to you about our “Growing a stronger youth council” project. You can also watch the meeting live from the public gallery, or watch our live webcast.

Kirklees webcastingGrowing our youth council

Revolting Women – The fight for the vote

A Mikron Theatre production

Mikron TheatreWednesday 10th October
Meltham Sports & Community Centre
Mean Lane, Meltham, Holmfirth HD9 5QT

A Mikron Theatre show telling the Suffrage story through the eyes of a less well known Pankhurst, Sylvia, who fought for the vote alongside working women in the East End. Full of political satire, song and more suffrage societies than you can shake a stick at! Tickets are £13 (or £11 for concessions).

Revolting Women – The fight for the vote

Newsome 1918

Votes for Women

Newsome 1918Saturday 13th October
12 noon to 5pm
Newsome Scout Hall
Newsome Road South, Newsome, Huddersfield HD4 6JJ

This day of special activities in Newsome is about commemorating the end of World War I and celebrating the start of Votes for Women and the founding of the Women’s Institute. Includes a Vote 100 stall with information and activities. Organised by Newsome Ward Community Forum.

Newsome 1918


Pop Up Cinema

Suffragette filmSaturday 13th October
From 6pm
Newsome Scout Hall
Newsome Road South, Newsome, Huddersfield HD4 6JJ

Join Dolly Shot Pop Up Picturehouse for this special free screening of the award winning film. In the early 20th century Britain, the growing suffragette movement forever changes the life of working wife and mother Maud Watts (Carey Mulligan). Galvanised by political activist Emmeline Pankhurst (Meryl Streep), Watts joins a diverse group of women who fight for equality and the right to vote. They risk their jobs, homes and lives fighting for a just cause. Organised by Newsome Ward Community Forum.

Suffragette – Newsome 1918 | Dolly Shot Pop Up Picturehouse

Your Future Your Voice

at the “Get inspired” C & K Careers event

Get InspiredWednesday 17th and Thursday 18th October
4.30pm to 7.30pm
John Smith’s Stadium, Stadium Way, Huddersfield HD1 6PG

The Kirklees Electoral Services team will have an information stall at this careers event for Year 11 high school students. We’ll be talking to young people about the benefits of being on the electoral register and voting. We’ll be supported by some of our Kirklees Apprentices, who will be chatting with the students about being on the register at 16 and how to make your voice heard if you care about your future.

Get inspired 2018 – Kirklees | Register to vote

It’s Up to You

Vote on project ideas in your community

Vote for community project ideasWednesday 17th to
Wednesday 24th October
Various venues across Kirklees

Citizens and community groups have been pitching ideas for community projects they think will make a difference in Ashbrow, Batley, Crosland Moor, Dalton, Dewsbury East, Dewsbury West, Greenhead and Heckmondwike. Now it’s your chance decide which of these ideas will get some funding through the “It’s Up To You” fund. The winning projects with the most votes will receive funding of up to £100 for individuals, or £500 for groups, to help put their plans into action.

More info & Where to vote

Making Music Democratically

Equality, Difference, Participation

Faroese Symphonic BandWednesday 17th October
6pm to 7.30pm
Vinyl Tap, 42 John William Street, Huddersfield HD1 1ER

What does it mean to make music democratically? How might music-making allow us to imagine a different kind of democracy? Join us for a discussion about the relationship of music and democracy, as it has been imagined historically and is practised in the present day. Three researchers from the University of Huddersfield’s School of Music, Humanities and Media – Robert Adlington, Elizabeth Dobson and Toby Martin – will introduce their work in this area, with plenty of opportunity for discussion and debate with the audience. Toby and collaborators, including MRes student Mohammad Reza Beladi, will perform some music. Free admission.

Victorian Voices of Huddersfield

Uncovering local democracy using digital history

Victorian VoicesThursday 18th October
10.30am to 12 noon
Council Chamber, Huddersfield Town Hall
Corporation Street, Huddersfield HD1 2ET

The event will provide a showcase of research undertaken by undergraduate History students on the University of Huddersfield’s ‘Digital Victorians’ module. The wider theme of exploring Victorian democracy using digital technologies will be discussed in a short talk by module leader Dr Tosh Warwick followed by a series of presentations by students delving into a number of topics relating to local democracy at the heart of Huddersfield’s democracy through time. There will also be an opportunity for participants to view some documents from historic collections and digital resources relating to the themes explored as part of Local Democracy Week 2018.

Thinking Big

Making a difference in your community and beyond

Thinking BigFriday 19th October
9.30am to 4pm
Jo Cox House, 90 Commercial Street, Batley WF17 5DS

Are there things you would like to change about where you live? Ever thought about setting up a group of like-minded people to work together and improve something you all care about? At this event ogranised by the Kirklees Council Cohesion Team you can learn about how to set up a local group and how to run a campaign. Staff from the Democracy Service are also taking part to explain how you can engage with your local elected representatives.

Thinking Big – find out more & register

Celebrating 10 years of inspiring young citizens

Growing a stronger youth council

Kirklees Youth CouncilFriday 19th October
5pm to 8pm
John Smith’s Stadium, Stadium Way, Huddersfield HD1 6PG

Our youth council helps young citizens in Kirklees to learn about local democracy, to gain skills and confidence, to become active citizens, and to have a voice. At this special 10th anniversary event we’re celebrating the fantastic achievements of our youth councillors so far. We’ll be hearing the experiences of our past and current youth councillors, and asking everyone to share their ideas about how we can grow an even stronger youth council over the next ten years. This event is open to everyone – we hope you’ll be part of it. You can also follow online via live webcast and twitter.

Register to take part | Growing our youth council

Kirklees Leaders Question Time

Put your questions to local councillors

Kirklees Question TimeTuesday 23rd October
7pm to 8.30pm (doors open 6pm)
Holmfirth Civic Hall, Huddersfield Road, Holmfirth HD9 3AS

Kirklees Question Time is an opportunity for you to put your questions directly to some of our local councillors. The panel this time includes five local political group leaders. The event will also be webcast and tweeted live, so you can follow along online or watch again later. You can also submit your questions online in advance of the event.

Register to take part | Kirklees Leaders Question Time

Democracy Commission Working Group

Growing a stronger local democracy

Watch liveWednesday 24th October
10am to 11.30am
Live webcast

Hear about our latest work to grow a stronger local democracy in Kirklees in this live webcast from our Working Group. The group are councillors from different political parties, who are working with citizens, council officers and partners to respond to the Kirklees Democracy Commission’s 48 recommendations for a stronger local democracy.

Working Group | Watch live

Huddersfield 150: The Exhibition

Celebrating 150 years of civic pride

Huddersfield 150Monday to Friday from 8am to 8pm
Saturday from 9am to 5pm
Sunday from 10am to 4pm

Heritage Quay, University of Huddersfield, Queensgate HD1 3DH

We’re marking 150 years since the founding of the borough of Huddersfield – an important part of our local democratic heritage. This special exhibition of West Yorkshire Archive Service collections has been curated in partnership with the University of Huddersfield and local community groups. Free admission.

Huddersfield 150 | Exhibition websiteMap and directions

Our Fight for the Voting Right – exhibition

Learn about our local suffragist and suffragette heritage

Votes for Women bannerOpen from 12 noon to 5pm
(closed Mondays and Fridays)

Tolson Museum, Wakefield Road, Dalton, Huddersfield HD5 8DJ

Discover fascinating local stories in this special exhibition. See Florence Lockwood’s iconic Votes for Women banner and learn more aobut 16 year old Dora Thewlis, who was arrested and imprisoned for marching on Parliament.

Tolson Musuem | Vote 100 in Kirklees

Batley 150 exhibition

Celebrating 150 years of civic pride

Batley 150Monday from 10am to 7pm
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 10am to 5pm

Batley Library, 14 Market Place, Batley WF17 5DA

2018 marks the 150th anniversary since the foundation of Batley Borough Council in 1868. Catch this touring exhibition created by West Yorkshire Archive Service to find out more about Batley’s democratic heritage and find out how to get involved.

Batley 150

Extraordinary Women of the Huddersfield Borough

Display in Huddersfield Local Studies Library

Anita LonsboroughMonday and Thursday from 9am to 7pm
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 9am to 5pm
Saturday from 10am to 4pm 
Huddersfield Library, Princess Alexandra Walk, Huddersfield HD1 2SU

Huddersfield Local Studies Library have created a new display featuring influential women in the history of Huddersfield. Take a walk around the room to read about influential women from the fields of politics, sport, the arts, culture, science and philanthropy.

Huddersfield 150