Growing a stronger local democracy, from the ground up
The Kirklees Democracy Commission report
‘Growing a stronger local democracy, from the ground up’ is our landmark report about the future of our local democracy, published on 30th June 2017.
We’ve been investigating what a strong and healthy local democracy should look like in Kirklees – for the next generation and beyond.
Our report is based on a year of evidence-gathering and debate, in which over 1,000 people participated.
Our report includes ideas for working with active citizens, making the most of digital technologies and culture, suggestions about councillors, decision-making and elections, and how we can get local voices heard in regional devolution.
We’ve made 48 recommendations that could help shape how both local and national democracy could develop over the next decade. Our report is a milestone in the story of our local democracy. We hope you find it useful. But for us, it’s all about what happens next…
Our full report, June 2017

Download our full report
Growing a stronger local democracy,
from the ground up (PDF, 144 pages)
Executive summary
Preparing the ground for a
stronger local democracy
Explore our report
Report chapters | Our evidence
Key themes and quick reads

Download our taster booklet
Growing a stronger local democracy –
taster booklet (PDF, 28 pages)
10 minute read
Growing a stronger local democracy –
Key themes from our report
List of recommendations
Our 48 recommendations
Our draft report, May 2017

Download our draft report
Growing a stronger local democracy –
draft report (PDF, 140 pages)
Kirklees Democracy debate
Our draft report was debated by all Kirklees councillors, our Commissioners and members of Kirklees Youth Council at a special Full Council meeting on Wednesday 10th May 2017.
Kirklees Democracy debate – the story in tweets and pics
Watch the debate – webcast
Growing a stronger local democracy – about the debate