What we’re doing
Our mission
By 2020 Kirklees is an informed citizen-led democracy with accountable elected representatives who enable communities to influence and affect decisions governing their lives.
The Kirklees Democracy Commission have been finding out what we need to know to design democracy for the next generation in Kirklees. We reviewed local and national research to focus the discussion and we have heard from some expert witnesses in a series of public inquiries.
Citizens have taken part in our local democracy roadshow events across Kirklees, shared their views in our e-panel survey, taken part in group discussions and joined the debate online. There have been opportunities for online participation alongside every event, and the public inquiries were webcast live wherever possible.
The debate was focused on three broad themes:
Why we’re doing this:
Why does our local democracy need a health check?
Hear from local citizens in our 4 minute film
Our findings
We published our Growing a stronger local democracy report on 30th June 2017. Through our conversations with citizens and partners, we learned that there are wider issues for our local democracy, so there are six themed chapters in our final report:
Executive summary:
Preparing the ground for a stronger local democracy
What happens next?
We are now working with our citizens and others to respond to the Democracy Commission’s 48 recommendations about strengthening our local democracy.
You can have a look at our ‘Get involved’ pages for the latest opportunities to participate, check out our timeline to see what’s happened so far, and send us your feedback about our progress.