Explore our report chapters

Explore our report chapters

The Kirklees Democracy Commission report

Growing a stronger local democracy, from the ground up’ is our landmark report about the future of our local democracy, published on 30th June 2017. In this section you can explore the main chapters of our report and find links to the evidence we’ve gathered during our work.

Young citizensActive citizens in civic society

Everything starts with the citizen.

Active citizens – chapter summary

Networked societyLocal democracy in a networked society

A strong local democracy grows from the connections between people.

Networked society – chapter summary


“There’s a whole web of activity out there… and councillors are the fishermen who look after the net.” – Neil McInroy

Councillors – chapter summary


Everyone wants to feel that they have a strong voice in the decisions that affect their lives.

Decision-making – chapter summary


Voters want bite-sized and easy-to-access information.

Elections – chapter summary

Regional devolutionRegional devolution

Devolution must be rooted in local communities

Regional devolution – chapter summary


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Executive summary:
Preparing the ground for a stronger local democracy

Full list of recommendations:
Our 48 recommendations

Download our taster booklet:
Growing a stronger local democracy – taster booklet (PDF, 28 pages)

Our report