
Gomersal St. Mary’s CE(C) Primary School are Democracy Friendly

Gomersal St. Mary’s CE(C) Primary School are Democracy Friendly

We were delighted to present Gomersal St. Mary’s CE(C) Primary School with our very first Democracy Friendly Schools award during Local Democracy Week 2022. Here are some of the local democracy activities the children are taking part in, and some tips for other schools.

Your project could be our next Growing Great Places crowdfunding success

Your project could be our next Growing Great Places crowdfunding success

Dozens of local projects have already run successful crowdfunding campaigns through our Growing Great Places programme. Together they have raised over £380,000 in pledges, helping to get some great ideas off the ground in local places. Take part in a free online workshop to find out how to join them.

Will you be part of Local Democracy Week 2022?

Will you be part of Local Democracy Week 2022?

We’re celebrating Local Democracy Week with a programme of activities happening throughout October. You can get involved by adding your activities to our programme, by sharing your story or by inviting us along to your community to help people learn about (and get involved in) local democracy.

Could your project be the next Growing Great Places crowdfunding success?

Could your project be the next Growing Great Places crowdfunding success?

Over 30 local projects have already run successful crowdfunding campaigns through the Growing Great Places programme, raising a whopping £217,657 in pledges. Take part in a free online workshop to find out how to join them.