Key outcomes
On 30th June 2017, the Kirklees Democracy Commission made 48 Recommendations about how to grow a stronger local democracy. All of these recommendations contribute to one or more of these key outcomes for our citizens, our councillors and our council:
A: Active citizens have a stake in the place they live and are able to inform and influence the future of their community and the decisions affecting it.
B: Young citizens are interested and have the opportunity to be engaged in local democracy.
C: Councillors have the confidence, skills, support and capacity to lead the changing relationship between the council and local citizens. They are placed at the heart of the Council.
D: The councillor role is clear, widely communicated and universally understood.
E: Councillors are accessible and confident in their role in a digitally networked society.
F: Decision making is built around the needs of the citizen; it is open, engaging, based on dialogue and has effective checks and balances; any arrangements should safeguard the health and reputation of the council.
G: Council meetings are open, accessible and engaging for citizens and councillors alike.
H: Democratic content is accessible, digestible and delivered in a way that considers the needs of the citizen and councillors alike.
I: Citizens and councillors understand how decisions are made and have an opportunity to be engaged throughout the process wherever possible.
J: Registering to vote should be easy, accessible and convenient especially for our young citizens.
K: Citizens are able to access accurate, timely, trustworthy and relevant information about elections and candidates standing.
L: Our approach to local devolution is from the ground up, based on local identity and the specific priorities of our towns, villages and communities.
M: Citizens and councillors understand the opportunities and implications of regional devolution.
Our way of working
Each project or activity that’s part of our practical work will:
- be in-keeping with the Democracy Commission’s principles
- contribute to achieving our key outcomes
- respond to our 48 Recommendations
- be consistent with the wider learning from the
‘Growing a stronger local democracy‘ report
Our mission is:
By 2020 Kirklees is an informed citizen-led democracy with accountable elected representatives who enable communities to influence and affect decisions governing their lives.