Will you be part of Local Democracy Week 2023?

Join us for Local Democracy Week 2023
Local Democracy Week is a celebration of the difference that people are making in local places across Kirklees. It’s a great time to tell your own story, to find out what others are doing, to get support with making things happen in your community and to learn more about our local democracy.
We’ll be publishing a programme of activities and events happening throughout October, and we’re looking for local groups and organisations who would like to get involved.
Our programme is now live:
Local Democracy Week 2023
Here are some ways that you can join in…
1. Tell us about your events or activities
Do you have a community project or activity that you’d like to promote? Do you want more people to be involved? We’re looking for activities, volunteering opportunities and events to promote in October as part of this year’s Local Democracy Week programme. This can be anything which helps people to make a difference in their community or to have a voice in local decisions.
If you have something to share, we’d love to hear from you. Please share your info by Tuesday 26th September 2023 if possible, if you’d like to be included in our promotion.
Email us at: Democracy@Kirklees.gov.uk
2. Host a Shaped by People conversation
We want to hear how people feel about getting involved in their community. People from local places across Kirklees have created ‘Shaped by People‘. It’s a shared goal which says that everyone should be able to get involved in making their community what they want it to be. Kirklees Council and our partners have made a commitment to working with and alongside local people to achieve this. We’d love for you to get involved.
We can send you our Shaped by People Conversation Pack, so you can quickly ask people in your community group or your neighbourhood to share their views. This includes telling us how Kirklees Council and other organisations can help people to shape their local place.
Request our Conversation Pack
Visit OurStoriesOurPlaces.org
Or email us at: Democracy@Kirklees.gov.uk
We’re also very happy to come and talk with your group.
3. Share your own story
Are you making a difference in your community? We’d love to share your story, to celebrate what you’re doing and to inspire others to get involved. We’d love to talk with you about what you’ve been doing and how you feel about it.
By sharing your story, you’ll be helping to inspire others to act. You’ll also be helping us learn what has helped you to make a difference, so that we can support more people to get involved. Or perhaps you’d like to encourage other people in your community to share their stories?
Please get in touch with us if you’d be happy to share your story, or visit our storytelling website to take part online.
Visit OurStoriesOurPlaces.org | Share your story
Or email us at: Democracy@Kirklees.gov.uk
4. Learn about local democracy
Local democracy is all about people and places. Would people in your group, organisation, team or neighbourhood like to learn more about local democracy? We can come and run an activity session in your community. This can be indoors or outside, in a community venue, in your workplace or online. Participants will learn what local democracy is and how to be part of it. Please get in touch so we can chat about what kind of session will work best for you.
Email us at: Democracy@Kirklees.gov.uk
5. Become a Democracy Friendly School
Are you part of a school community? You can join in our free Democracy Friendly programme for schools to help children and young people learn about (and get involved in) our local democracy. It’s a flexible programme, open to any school in Kirklees. We’ll help you to get started and to make connections with your local councillors and others who can help. Local Democracy Week is a great time to begin your Democracy Friendly journey.

When is Local Democracy Week?
Local Democracy Week happens every year, in the week of 15th October. This year’s Local Democracy Week is from 9th to 15th October 2023. We celebrate throughout the whole month, so our programme includes activities or events happening any time in or around October, plus stories about things you’ve already organised or got involved in.
Join our email list for the latest updates.
Who can take part?
Local Democracy Week is for everyone. We’ve been proud to work with people from many local organisations in previous years, including community groups, schools and colleges, the University of Huddersfield, libraries, museums and local businesses, as well as national partners. Many activities we promote are open to everyone, but we’re also always keen to include events for children and young people, events for council staff or partners, and activities that include our local councillors.
How to get involved
We’re keen to hear from local organisations and others who might want to be part of Local Democracy Week in Kirklees. Interested? We welcome new ideas for events and activities. Let’s work together to promote local democracy and help more people come together to make our local places even better.