Staff events for Local Democracy Week 2017

Staff events for Local Democracy Week 2017

Local Democracy Week is a way of helping people to be more aware of, and more involved with, the issues that really matter in our local communities. We have an extended programme of free events in Kirklees, including these special events for Kirklees Council’s staff.

“I work for a democratic organisation
and I’m proud of that…”

Briefings for Kirklees Council staff

Jacqui GedmanCouncillor Cathy ScottFriday 6th October
from 10am to 11am
Huddersfield Town Hall

Wednesday 11th October
from 9am to 10am
Dewsbury Town Hall

This is an opportunity for Kirklees Council’s front line staff to meet our Chief Executive, Jacqui Gedman, and Cllr Cathy Scott, Cabinet Member and Kirklees Democracy Commissioner.

The hour long briefing will bring you up to date with the work and findings of the Kirklees Democracy Commission and give you the opportunity to better understand the importance of working in a democratic organisation.

The briefing will also help you understand the importance of working in a political environment. You’ll learn how our officers (at all levels) and our elected members can work together collaboratively by developing mutual understanding and respect for each other’s roles.

Register for the Huddersfield event

Register for the Dewsbury event

Please register using your email address.

Active Citizens

Celebrating our Local Democracy Ambassadors

Active citizens9th October 2017
From 1pm to 3pm
Huddersfield Town Hall

By invitation only – nominate a colleague for this event

Kirklees Council employees, at all levels in our organisation, are invited to submit your nominations for a colleague who is demonstrating being an ‘active citizen’ in their local community, who would appreciate being acknowledged for being a Local Democracy Ambassador for Kirklees Council. We’d like to hear about staff who are:

  • Helping communities to have a voice
    For example, by starting a campaign, helping to inform a decision, speaking up for someone else or contributing to community research.
  • Connecting people who share interests
    For example, by taking part in community activity that brings neighbours together to address local issues or by letting people know what’s happening in their area.
  • Being a good neighbour
    For example, by checking on vulnerable neighbours, improving things in their neighbourhood with others or sharing information about local activities and services.

Jacqui Gedman and the Mayor and Deputy Mayor will host this first afternoon tea event to thank staff on behalf of the organisation.

Nominate a colleague

Supporting and encouraging active citizens is one of the recommendations of the Kirklees Democracy Commission. Find out more in this chapter of our landmark report:

Active Citizens

For more information about the event please contact: or 

Local Democracy Week 2017

Local Democracy Week 2017

Public events for Local Democracy Week 2017


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A Woman’s Work

Lightning talks from our Chief Executive, councillors and MPs

& highlights from the Fawcett Society’s research

Jacqui GedmanFriday 13th October 2017
From 6pm to 8.30pm
Dewsbury Town Hall, Reception Room

Hear inspiring stories from our speakers, take part in a Q&A session and workshop discussions, and hear the latest research on women in local government. Also includes an introduction to the Kirklees Democracy Commmission. All welcome.

A Woman’s Work – full event info & book now


Working in a political environment

Councillors in the council chamberWant to find out more about working in a democratic organisation? Register your interest in one of our half day workshops for Kirklees Council staff. You’ll learn about the importance of the councillor role, and find out how our staff and councillors can work together effectively.

Working in a political environment – workshops