Our evidence

Our evidence

Our evidence gatheringWe have reviewed and deliberated all the evidence that we’ve received about how we can strengthen our local democracy. We’ve now added all the links to this page so that you can look through the evidence too.

You can follow us @kirkdemocracy on twitter for updates about our work.

Local democracy roadshows

Public inquiries

What’s a public inquiry?
Public inquiries calendar 2016

What’s a public inquiry?
Public inquiries calendar 2016

Evidence gathering sessions

Group discussions

Visits to other councils

  • Bassetlaw (PDF) – to explore Bassetlaw’s move to all-out local elections
  • Bexley (PDF) – to explore Bexley’s circumstances & approach in
    reducing the number of councillors
  • Kingston-Upon-Thames (PDF) – to explore Kingston-Upon-Thames’ move
    to a committee system
  • Knowsley (PDF) – to explore Knowsley’s circumstances & approach in
    reducing the number of councillors

Written evidence submissions

Survey results

Background research