Local Democracy Week 2021

Local Democracy Week is a way of helping people to get involved in their community, learn about democracy and have a voice in the decisions that really matter for our everyday lives. We’re celebrating and supporting our active citizens in local places across Kirklees, throughout October. This year’s theme is: Protecting the Environment: Local Communities Take Action. Here are the activities and events that we know about so far. If you’d like to organise your own activity, here are some tips: Will you be part of Local Democracy Week?
Anytime activities:
Democracy happens where you are
Learn about local democracy in your outdoor space

Would your local group like to take part in an outdoor introduction to local democracy? We can come and run an activity in your park, woodland, allotment, community garden, outdoor classroom or other open space. Perfect for groups who are looking after our local environment and want to know more about our local democracy. We can also provide materials if you’d like to run your own session at any time.
Contact: Democracy@Kirklees.gov.uk
Our stories, our places
Share a story about what makes you proud of where you live
We’d really like to hear your personal story about how and why you got involved in your community. You can use our storytelling website to share what you did and how it made you (and others) feel. You’ll be helping us understand how more people can come together to make local places better. We’re here to help you tell your story if you’d like.
Our stories, our places | Share your story
Democracy Friendly Schools
Introduction sessions for primary schools
All our young citizens should be able learn about – and get involved in – local democracy and civic life. We’re supporting schools in Kirklees to become Democracy Friendly. We’ll help you to get started with our ‘Everyday Democracy Activities for Schools’ with a one hour “train the trainer” style session at your school, giving you the information and confidence to help young people learn about (and be involved in) local democracy.
We are Democracy Friendly | Contact: Democracy@Kirklees.gov.uk
Image: Local area collage, Linthwaite Ardon CE (VA) Junior and Infant School
Democracy Friendly Schools
Kirklees Youth Councillor training for high schools

We’re supporting all schools in Kirklees to become Democracy Friendly. Young people aged 11 to 16 have the opportunity to grow their skills, confidence and experience by taking part in our training programme and becoming Kirklees Youth Councillors. Our programme is flexible to suit your school. Find out more and sign up to take part:
We are Democracy Friendly | Contact: Democracy@Kirklees.gov.uk
Image: Youth councillors, Newsome Academy
October activities:
Listening to East Bierley – results event
With East Bierley Preservation Society and local councillors
Thursday 7th October from 7pm to 8.30pm
Zoom meeting
Over 150 people took part in Listening to East Bierley. Come and join our online Zoom meeting to find out more about what people said, talk about what we’ve learned and help decide what happens next.
Listening to East Bierley event
Working with your councillors to protect the environment
Drop in for students at Kirklees College

Tuesday 12th October, Springfield campus in Dewsbury from 10am to 2pm
Wednesday 13th October, Waterfront campus in Huddersfield from 10am to 2pm
Want to find out how you can work with your councillors to protect the environment? Take part in a drop-in style workshop and hear about the role of councillors, including how they make decisions about local places. Join this workshop to discover which ward you live in, and how this relates to the rest of Kirklees. Explore how you and your councillors can work together to make a difference.
Your Future, Your Voice
Advice for Kirklees College students

Tuesday 12th October, Springfield campus in Dewsbury from 10am to 2pm
Wednesday 13th October, Waterfront campus in Huddersfield from 10am to 2pm
The Kirklees Electoral Services outreach team will have an information stall on site offering support and advice for students. We’ll be talking to young people about the benefits of being on the electoral register and voting. Come and find out how to make your voice heard in decisions that affect your future.
TSL Kirklees Funding Fair: Find your funder
A free event to help local groups and organisations

Wednesday 13th October, from 10am to 2pm
Brian Jackson House, 2 New North Parade, Huddersfield HD1 5JP
TSL Kirklees are hosting a free funding fair for community groups, voluntary groups, charities and social enterprises in Kirklees. Hear from local funders – including Kirklees Council – find out about national funding and learn how to search for funds to support your local activities.
TSL Kirklees Funding Fair
Full Council meeting
Introducing Shaped by People

Wednesday 13th October, from 5.30pm
Live webcast & at Huddersfield Town Hall, Corporation Street, Huddersfield HD1 2TA
Full Council is a meeting of every ward councillor in Kirklees. At the October meeting councillors will be discussing the new Council Plan for Kirklees, which describes how we work with people and partners in our local places to achieve our shared ambitions. We’re delighted to say that the plan includes a new shared goal – called Shaped by People – which has been created by our citizens. We’ll be sharing the full story via @kirkdemocracy.
Council meeting agenda | Our Council Plan 2021-23
Cleckheaton – your town, your voice
How do you feel about your town centre?
1st September to 11th October 2021
In and around Cleckheaton town centre
Everyone has their own experience of a place. Kirklees Council and your local councillors would really like to hear how you feel about visiting, working in or living in Cleckheaton town centre. Look out for us in the town centre – or take part online.
Cleckheaton – your town, your voice
Your voice, your Holmfirth
How do you feel about your town centre?
6th September to 31st October
In and around Holmfirth town centre
Kirklees Council and your local councillors would really like to hear how you feel about visiting, working in or living in Holmfirth town centre. Look out for our teams at Holmfirth Library and Holmfirth Market – or take part online.
Your voice, your Holmfirth
Listening to Heckmondwike
How do you feel about your town centre?
4th October to 1st November 2021
In and around Heckmondwike town centre
We’re asking visitors, residents, businesses and local organisations how you feel about Heckmondwike town centre now, and what things you’d like to see in the future. Look out for us at Heckmondwike Library, Blanket Hall Street, Green Park, the bus station and Morrisons – or take part online.
Listening to Heckmondwike
Protecting the Environment: Local Communities Take Action
Activities for Kirklees Council staff

Friday 22nd October, from 9am to 1pm
Democracy is about so much more than voting. It’s about being able to influence and make positive changes in our communities, in celebration of local community groups and active citizens across Kirklees. Kirklees Council’s Young Employee Network (YEN) and Green Employee Network (GEN) are working in partnership to deliver a morning of environmental action across Kirklees, linking in with and supporting community groups wherever possible.
Contact: Luc.Bride@kirklees.gov.uk
Working in a political environment workshop
Workshops for Kirklees Council staff

Thursday 11th November, from 10am to 12 noon
(also 18th January and 17th March 2022, from 10am to 12 noon)
Online event
Want to find out more about working in a democratic organisation? Take part in one of our online workshops for Kirklees Council staff. You’ll hear about the importance of the councillor role, learn the basics about wards and councillors in Kirklees, and find out how our staff and councillors can work together to make a difference. This workshop will give you an understanding of the changing roles and responsibilities of councillors, council decision making, the benefits of working collaboratively and putting councillors at the heart of what we do, how we’re growing a stronger local democracy and where you can find further information to develop your skills and knowledge.
Kirklees Council staff can book via MiPod Xtra on the Intranet

About our partner events – We welcome other local organisations who want to get involved in Local Democracy Week in Kirklees. If you’d like to organise your own event or activity, here are some tips: