#KirkleesQT, October 2017 – live tweets
As part of Local Democracy Week 2017 in Kirklees we held a special Question Time event with local party leaders. This is one of the things that our citizens have asked for. The panel also included one of our youth councillors. More info: Kirklees Question Time, October 2017
Tonight's #KirkleesQT with local leaders and @KirkleesYC is live from 7pm.
Webcast: https://t.co/7us2Cejxvm
Info: https://t.co/4EUngikpbY pic.twitter.com/2NpZ3JhXVh— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
Our Question Time with local leaders is tonight. Join us from 6pm or ask a question online. https://t.co/ZOuW0fFFRx webcast 7pm. #ELDW2017 pic.twitter.com/4b0ePXwVAI
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
Our #KirkleesQT chair is @andymycock1 – briefing our panel at @HuddersfieldUni now. #ELDW2017 pic.twitter.com/RmbIq7Oimg
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
We're settling in ready for our Kirklees Question Time. #KirkleesQT pic.twitter.com/G7t90gVNmm
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
Kirklees Question Time about to start #kirkdemocracy pic.twitter.com/QPS04N0L3t
— Andrew Cooper (@clrandrewcooper) October 12, 2017
Question time about to begin at @HuddersfieldUni #KirkleesQT pic.twitter.com/L3s9ILWky0
— Mark Eastwood (@mark4dewsbury) October 12, 2017
#kirkleesQT looking forward to the debate pic.twitter.com/7RtSPMMcdG
— Cllr Mus Khan (@Musarrat) October 12, 2017
Welcome to Kirklees Question Time –
webcast 00:05:15
Tonight's panel are:@John4Kirkburton @M4tthew__m @clrandrewcooper @CllrDavidSheard @AndrewCGM
Our chair is: @andymycock1 #KirkleesQT pic.twitter.com/YygGUHPBDF
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
@kirkdemocracy over 50 question submitted should be interesting. They have been put into themes. pic.twitter.com/EAomnvN0hP
— cathy scott (@cathy1scott) October 12, 2017
Question 1 – webcast 00:07:37
“How will we know if the effort to improve Democracy in Kirklees has succeeded, who is accountable and what is the consequence of failure?”
[ Tom Ward ]
Q1: How will we know if the effort to improve Democracy in Kirklees has succeeded? What is the consequence of failure? #KirkleesQT pic.twitter.com/3GvrTS7s3C
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
"Not everything is in the council's control. But things like digital democracy and having more dialogue definitely are." #kirkleesQT pic.twitter.com/yd4uBlO8Ns
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
yes i would agree. More dialogue please.
When is this happening in #Dewsbury or even better #Batley? https://t.co/hYPXdUeMwW— Mohammad (@muhmdibneahmd) October 12, 2017
"I think we're all responsible for making democracy work better, not just the council." #KirkleesQT pic.twitter.com/ptK8EIcSJG
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
"I'd like to see by 2020 every local school having democratic education." #kirkleesQT pic.twitter.com/UAqN3r4yhN
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
Question 2 – webcast 00:13:03
“I am concerned about local planning decisions that are being reversed by the Secretary of State with regard to housebuilding, fracking (which most people oppose) and the felling of healthy trees around Greenhead Park. If the national government overrules decisions made at local level by elected councils which have the support of local residents what hope is there of local democracy working for local people?”
[ Sue Lee-Richards ]
Q2: If national government overrules council decisions (eg planning), what are the implications for local democracy? #kirkleesQT pic.twitter.com/tcqBxT9hPo
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
"That happens both ways. And people often don't understand how the planning system actually works." #kirkleesQT pic.twitter.com/4CySDmeND2
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
"Neighbourhood planning is a way of giving people influence over local decisions." #kirkleesQT pic.twitter.com/acQG09c5ZP
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
"A neighbourhood plan is being developed in Newsome. It needs to fit in with the Kirklees Local Plan though." #kirkleesQT pic.twitter.com/ZWQ6ObmYkI
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
"What community involvement has there been in the North Kirklees Growth Zone?" #kirkleesQT pic.twitter.com/qIhtZLvlyw
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
Question 3 – webcast 00:21:41
“Why have you closed down young people service on the pretext of saving money when in the long run it will cost you more in anti social behaviour and vandalism and turned your back on hundreds of young people’s social and learning experiences and life skills and support?”
[ Thomas Hinchcliffe MBE ]
Q3: Why have you closed young people's services when in the long run it will cost more? #kirkleesQT pic.twitter.com/2AnGsNUX7T
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
"Many of us are unhappy about the situation. It's very frustrating. We need the resources to help local groups." #kirkleesQT pic.twitter.com/J2um0PTX98
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
"It's hurtful to see great children's services taken away. Young people don't vote, so…"#kirkleesQT pic.twitter.com/0wkdgxMTjV
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
"Young people are our investment in the future. It's about choices. Raise corporation tax, invest in young people." #kirkleesQT pic.twitter.com/S8aJ1ircJL
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
"We shouldn't have to pay. The bankers who caused the crash should." #KirkleesQT pic.twitter.com/DgFqBfDB5o
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
"It's not as simple as saying just tax people more. Businesses won't invest then." #kirkleesQT pic.twitter.com/q0GbMIAlKu
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
"England is one of the most centralised countries in terms of finances." #kirkleesQT pic.twitter.com/SEg5VZQ90g
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
Question 4 – webcast 00:35:30
“I live in Batley. I would like to know why Batley is the poor relative when the council dishes out funds for regenerating our town. I look at Huddersfield. With the massive regeneration and a look at Batley and we get new bit of Bunting when it’s Batley festival.”
[ Katie Todd ]
Question 5 – webcast 00:35:45
“What is Kirklees Council doing to support the regeneration of Dewsbury? We are only 12 mins from Leeds by train, how is the council exploiting this opportunity to bring some of Leeds’ success here?”
[ Jackie Ramsay ]
Q4: Why is Batley the poor relative to Huddersfield?
Q5: What is the council doing to invest in Dewsbury?#kirkleesQT pic.twitter.com/VjnUYYSl8P— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
"Everyone thinks the money is being spent somewhere else." #kirkleesQT pic.twitter.com/rojeoeb0KG
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
How many people think that the money is spent equally across Kirklees. Show of hands. Not many… #kirkleesQT pic.twitter.com/l1abCzjwQA
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
No surprise there …
— Friends of Wilton Park, Batley (@FWP_Batley) October 12, 2017
"I don't know whether the money is spread evenly, so how can I say?" #kirkleesQT pic.twitter.com/Mb4ylFLNL7
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
"No-one acknowledges when money is wasted. Can't we look at how to do things better?" #kirkleesQT pic.twitter.com/SqkC3DaSzv
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
"A lot of young people don't understand how much things cost in our communities". #kirkleesQT pic.twitter.com/hSXEOCWNP8
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
"Financial decisions are complex. We lose Government funds if we don't carry out certain work." #kirkleesQT pic.twitter.com/XlcSpMl7l1
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
Question 6 – webcast 00:49:04
“What activities are the council doing in tackling climate change and the increasing air pollution in our borough?”
[ Mark Croft ]
Q6: What is the council doing to tackle climate change?
"There's not enough focus on the next generation". #KirkleesQT #kirkdemocracy pic.twitter.com/bmfqf7uOTo
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
"We've had an all-party group looking at Passivhaus. We've sent recommendations to Cabinet." #KirkleesQT pic.twitter.com/EleaojTUCl
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
Question 7 – webcast 00:54:17
“There is a recognised problem with air quality around Ainley Top yet despite this the council continues to approve plans for extensive house building. How can we believe that the council takes air quality and people’s health seriously?”
[ Mike Chalker ]
Q7: How can we believe the council takes air quality seriously in the context of extensive house building? #kirkleesQT pic.twitter.com/4WIlWVBuxo
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
"There needs to be appropriate infrastructure as well as houses, and low-impact housing. We're not doing enough." #kirkleesQT pic.twitter.com/CSIyRtXpHs
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
"Car manufacturers falsifying their emissions is a public health issue, not just a consumer issue." #kirkleesQT pic.twitter.com/pme7tNOuNm
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
Question 8 – webcast 00:58:58
“When will Kirklees council improve its kerbside recycling to fall inline with what other authorities offer?”
[ Graham Johnston ]
Question 9 – webcast 00:59:14
“Kirkless were thinking about starting garden waste collection some time ago. How far have you got with this please?”
[ Naina ]
Q8: What are you doing to improve kerbside recycling?
Q9: Where've you got to with garden waste collections? #kirkleesqt pic.twitter.com/cF0XKwSWbm— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
"I have 3 pairs of shoes but I get them repaired." #kirkleesQT pic.twitter.com/4nDgZPXqFJ
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
"I thought the main aim of recycling was to reduce landfill. Our area also has lots of contaminated bins." #kirkleesqt pic.twitter.com/lKWYZcQI93
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
"We don't send waste to landfill, only the ash from our waste to energy plant." #kirkleesQT
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
Question 10 – webcast 01:05:58
“What is the future of social housing, and more specifically KNH in Kirklees? Following the terrible Grenfell disaster we recently had notice from KNH that Savills UK were conducting inspections along with another housing association based in the NE. As a social tenant do I need to be concerned?”
[ Paul Lee ]
Q10: What's the future of social housing in Kirklees? And do I need to be concerned about safety after Grenfell? #kirkleesQT pic.twitter.com/uhkzJrcsd8
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
"We've had our buildings checked."
"None of our high rises have gas to individual properties."
"We must use our fire doors."#kirkleesQT pic.twitter.com/nL1ki8Z4Gb— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
Question 11 – webcast 01:09:37
“What are local politicians actively doing in Kirklees to prevent homelessness and what support is being provided to reduce current numbers of people that are living on the streets.”
[ Kirsty ]
Q11: What is the council doing to reduce homelessness? #kirkleesQT pic.twitter.com/LETjWFnlt7
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
"It's appalling seeing people on the streets who need help. Not everyone on the streets has an addiction problem." #kirkleesqt pic.twitter.com/iDu5v6NgU3
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
"We're all a pay check away from homelessness." #kirkleesQT pic.twitter.com/sZRCYVfS1R
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
"We need to develop the 'ladder of opportunity', with job opportunities at all levels." #kirkleesqt pic.twitter.com/VWlgUSTHUE
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
"Why are students charged disproportionate rents?" #kirkleesQT pic.twitter.com/FvSDnwYCMD
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
These are good questions
— Colin Hicks (@virtualColin) October 12, 2017
"We need more housing with extra care for our older citizens. Not enough of these are being built." #kirkleesqt pic.twitter.com/6CUnniO9VE
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
"Social housing shouldn't be poverty housing." #kirkleesQT pic.twitter.com/DkLffkhShB
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
"Today Kirklees Council has 9,673 applications for social housing." #kirkleesQT pic.twitter.com/5QnlBPYUcC
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
"Please can we work together to fix it? It's people's lives." #kirkleesqt pic.twitter.com/ebdElQr9uU
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
Question 12 – webcast 01:22:26
“What do you think of the closure of hri and are you willing to support the campaign?”
[ Michaela ]
Q12: What does the panel think of the decision to close HRI? Do you support the campaign to save it? #kirkleesQT pic.twitter.com/6wWhbmoaIv
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
"We will lose lives on the Elland bypass." #kirkleesQT pic.twitter.com/qUSOQqPxyr
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
"Underfunding is the problem. It's too easy to blame local doctors." #kirkleesqt pic.twitter.com/aSK7aZjG5Y
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
"Why aren't the youth council supporting the campaign?"
"We're politically neutral, but we agree with supporting our hospital" #kirkleesQT pic.twitter.com/31sWDwv0m8
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
"People have raised £50,000 to fight the legal challenge and save HRI. Can the council also offer legal support?" #kirkleesQT pic.twitter.com/xWyOcEIcLL
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
"We have tried our best as politicians to work together to help people. We're best placed to make local decisions here." #kirkleesQT pic.twitter.com/SqG8rdyFVO
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
"Jeremy Hunt does not live in one of our towns or villages." #kirkleesqt pic.twitter.com/e1sLaVmYCm
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
Question 13 – webcast 01:34:26
“Can you please tell me when the wing will be replaced on the Batley Bat?”
[ Janice Minich ]
Q13: When will the wing be replaced on the Batley Bat? ("It's like a mini Arc D'Triomphe")#KirkleesQT pic.twitter.com/ANZw73QVps
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
That’s a question I’ve been asking for about 10yrs! (Although only to myself as I drive past)
— Pc Sally Baines (@WYP_SallyB) October 12, 2017
Closing comments – webcast 01:37:07
“Local democracy is about keeping the conversation going”
[ Dr Andy Mycock ]
We're drawing to a close. We hope you enjoyed #kirkleesqt
Democracy isn't just for October. Look out for more events… #eldw2017 pic.twitter.com/GiLaqAZKub— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
Thank you from our panel to everyone who has taken part tonight, in the room and online. #kirkleesQT #localdemocracyweek #ELDW2017 pic.twitter.com/iyUwRDnWGh
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
Great question time @kirkdemocracy. Well to everyone pic.twitter.com/ClPVc5e5O0
— cathy scott (@cathy1scott) October 12, 2017
Special thanks to all our panellists for staying behind to answer yet more questions. #kirkleesQT pic.twitter.com/Ymc2q6ql53
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
Democracy? Where are the women on the #KirkleesQT panel? https://t.co/LLPp5S1p1I
— Helen Robinson (@fairfunkyhelen) October 12, 2017
Why no women on the panel #KirkleesQT
— John Popham (@johnpopham) October 12, 2017
For everyone who asked, tonight's panel were party leaders (as requested by our citizens). Our best wishes to @NicolaJTurner who is unwell.
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
Q/time for leaders of the political groups where available. Nicola was due to be here, unfortunately couldn't make it. Hope this helps
— Spencer Wilson (@SpencerLWilson) October 12, 2017
It's inspirational women who stop all male panels happening! Not your fault Spencer but it doesn't reflect Kirklees diversity or democracy
— Thelma Walker MP (@Thelma_WalkerMP) October 12, 2017
There are more events still to come in our #localdemocracyweek programme. Info here: https://t.co/mH7MNM4qQj #ELDW2017
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
And it's goodnight from us. #kirkleesQT pic.twitter.com/Cokn04fp6h
— Kirklees Democracy (@kirkdemocracy) October 12, 2017
many thanks to @HuddersfieldUni for hosting & supporting @kirkdemocracy #KirkleesQT great turnout including plenty of @hudpolitics students https://t.co/aOSMyYOFjT
— Andy Mycock (@andymycock1) October 16, 2017