Working Group – 9th March 2020
Here’s an overview of the Kirklees Democracy Commission Working Group meeting on Monday 9th March 2020 at Batley Town Hall.
Here’s an overview of the Kirklees Democracy Commission Working Group meeting on Monday 9th March 2020 at Batley Town Hall.
Here’s an overview of the Kirklees Democracy Commission Working Group meeting on Monday 27th January 2020 at Dewsbury Town Hall.
Our Working Group discussed our new role profile for Kirklees Councillors, protocols for officers and councillors working together, and the ‘Growing a stronger youth council’ report.
Our Working Group discussed our democracy work programme, how to connect councillors and citizens in a networked society, how we’re putting councillors at the heart of everything we do, and the upcoming “Growing a stronger youth council” report.
Our Working Group discussed Place Based Working in Kirklees.
Our Working Group discussed Kirklees Question Time events, the changing councillor role and our work programme over the coming year.
Our Working Group discussed Civic Pathways for Young Citizens, including our work with NCS, apprenticeships and work placements, projects with schools, voter registration activities, Kirklees Youth Council and work with the University of Huddersfield.
During Local Democracy Week 2018, we wrote an open letter to Rishi Sunak MP, Minister for Local Government and Lord Porter of Spalding, Chair of the Local Government Association about our recommendations for Government and the LGA about support for councillors. Here is the response we received from Rishi Sunak MP.
Here’s an overview of the Kirklees Democracy Commission Working Group meeting on Wednesday 24th October 2018.
We’ve written an open letter to Rishi Sunak MP, Minister for Local Government and Lord Porter of Spalding, Chair of the Local Government Association about our recommendations for Government and the LGA about support for councillors.