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Category: Active citizens

Your project could be our next Growing Great Places crowdfunding success

Your project could be our next Growing Great Places crowdfunding success

Dozens of local projects have already run successful crowdfunding campaigns through our Growing Great Places programme. Together they have raised over £380,000 in pledges, helping to get some great ideas off the ground in local places. Take part in a free online workshop to find out how to join them.

Could your project be the next Growing Great Places crowdfunding success?

Could your project be the next Growing Great Places crowdfunding success?

Over 30 local projects have already run successful crowdfunding campaigns through the Growing Great Places programme, raising a whopping £217,657 in pledges. Take part in a free online workshop to find out how to join them.

Growing Great Places – community crowdfunding drop-ins, March 2021

Growing Great Places – community crowdfunding drop-ins, March 2021

Got a great idea for making your local place even better? Want to connect with others who can help make it happen and raise funds to get your idea off the ground? Come along to one of our drop-in sessions in March to find out how to run a successful crowdfunding campaign.

Online workshops: How can more people come together to make local places better?

Online workshops: How can more people come together to make local places better?

Do you feel able to make your local place better? Please come to our online workshops to share your experiences, listen to other people’s stories and make new connections. Together we’ll improve our understanding of how we can measure people’s confidence in their own ability to change things in our local places – to have influence as active citizens.

Local democracy and life beyond lockdown – hearing from young citizens at NCS

Local democracy and life beyond lockdown – hearing from young citizens at NCS

In our final activity for Local Democracy Week 2020, we talked with young people aged 15 to 17 about life during lockdown and beyond, about things they’d like to change in their local place, getting to know our councillors and planning social action.

Meet your councillors – sessions for local schools

Meet your councillors – sessions for local schools

We’re offering a safe and flexible one hour session that will help children and young people to learn what local councillors do, share how they feel about life in their local place right now, and explore opportunities to work together with councillors on community projects.