Working Group – 19th August 2019
Here’s an overview of the Kirklees Democracy Commission Working Group meeting on Monday 19th August 2019. We’ve included a video summary, presentation slides, information about how you can get involved, the full audio recording, tweets and photos.
Summary of the meeting
At this meeting we discussed Place Based Working in the context of our work to grow a stronger local democracy. We heard from Rachel Spencer-Henshall, who is the Director of Corporate Strategy, Commissioning and Public Health for Kirklees Council.
Documents and links from this meeting:
- Working Group agenda, 19th August 2019 (PDF)
- Working Group minutes, 19th August 2019 (PDF)
- Place Based Working presentation (SlideShare)
How citizens can get involved
We’re working with citizens and colleagues to make sure that everyone has a stake in the place where they live, work or visit. We’re using a tool called the “Place Standard”. This is a way of helping to get conversations going about any place (it could be your street, neighbourhood or town), by using some simple questions. Find out which neighbourhoods are already using the Place Standard and learn more about how to get involved:
How good is our place
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Listen to the full audio
Tweets and photos from this meeting
Democracy Commission Working Group – 19th August 2019