Will you be part of Local Democracy Week 2021?
Could you organise an online event or safe activity in your local place during October 2021 that helps people to get involved in our local democracy Or do you have a story to share?
Could you organise an online event or safe activity in your local place during October 2021 that helps people to get involved in our local democracy Or do you have a story to share?
Could you organise an online event or safe activity in your local place during October 2020 that helps people to get involved in our local democracy Or do you have a story to share?
Could you organise an event or activity anywhere in Kirklees during October 2019 that helps people to get involved in our local democracy?
We’re proud to be part of a democratic organisation, with councillors at the heart. That’s why we’re encouraging teams from across the council to learn more about what it means to work in a political environment.
We’d like to share a great example of a council service who are determined to be open and to invite our councillors in. It’s part of our work to put councillors at the heart of what we do.
During Local Democracy Week 2018, we wrote an open letter to Rishi Sunak MP, Minister for Local Government and Lord Porter of Spalding, Chair of the Local Government Association about our recommendations for Government and the LGA about support for councillors. Here is the response we received from Rishi Sunak MP.
We’ve invited some of our officers and councillors to go face to face in a new series of videos.
We’ve started some practical work in Kirklees to put councillors at the heart of our organisation.
We’ve written an open letter to Rishi Sunak MP, Minister for Local Government and Lord Porter of Spalding, Chair of the Local Government Association about our recommendations for Government and the LGA about support for councillors.
We’ve written an open letter to Chloe Smith MP, Minister for the Constitution, about our recommendations for Government about voting and elections.