Schools events for Local Democracy Week 2017

Schools events for Local Democracy Week 2017

Local Democracy Week is a way of helping people of all ages to be more aware of, and more involved with, the issues that really matter in our local communities. We have an extended programme of free events in Kirklees, including these special events for schools. Please get in touch if your school would like to take part. You can book places directly with the Area and Neighbourhood Team. Email: or or

Move over, that’s my Seat

Your school council meeting in the Kirklees Council Chamber

young people in the Kirklees Council chamberMonday 9th October 2017
From 10am to 12noon
Huddersfield Town Hall

This is an opportunity for schools to hold your own school council meeting in the Kirklees Council Chamber.

Visit Huddersfield Town Hall and sit it in Kirklees Councillors’ seats, debate items on your school council agenda and then use the technology to cast your votes. We can record your meeting for further educational use back in school. You might just come across some Kirklees Councillors while you are in the Chamber…

Age guide: year 5 and upwards.

Participatory Budgeting

How would YOU spend the money?

Huddersfield Town HallTuesday 10th October 2017
From 9.30am to 12noon
Huddersfield Town Hall

Young people from their respective School Councils will be responsible for allocating a small budget for a worthy community or school project in a neighbouring school in this Participatory Budgeting event.

The young people will discuss real project ideas which young people will have submitted and determine which they feel are most appropriate to be awarded funding. This will involve listening, discussion and debating skills, by identifying the merits and potential drawbacks of each project. Young people will develop their confidence, skills in negotiation, budget management, consensus building, and presenting information.

Schools will be chosen from the North and South of Kirklees. We’ll confirm the ages and numbers depending on interest. When the schools have been confirmed, we’ll also ask Councillors from the respective wards to get involved.

Meet the Mayor

& the Council Chamber Experience

Kirklees MayorWednesday 11th October 2017 or
Friday 13th October 2017
From 10am to 12 noon
Huddersfield Town Hall

Come and visit Huddersfield Town Hall to meet the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Kirklees. Find out about their journey to becoming the Mayor or Deputy and learn more about their role.

Young people will also learn about the significance of the Mayor’s robes, mace and chain. Visit the grand Main Hall, experience the Council Chamber and find out more about what democracy means.

This is a one hour tour, with the first tour starting at 10am.

Age guide: year 4 and 5.

Meet your Councillor

A local democracy session in your school

CouncillorsDates by arrangement

Children will be introduced to local democracy by local ward councillors. The session is interactive with the opportunity to share the things children and young people feel passionately about in their community. They will learn where they live geographically, who their local ward councillors are, more about their role and how they can get in touch with councillors.

Age guide: years 5 and 6.

Fantastically Great Women
Who Changed the World

Meet the author and illustrator Kate Pankhurst

Fantastically Great Women Who Changed the WorldFriday 13th October 2017

From 11.30am to 12.30pm
at Huddersfield Town Hall

From 2pm to 3pm
at Dewsbury Town Hall

Age guide: ideal for 7 to 11 year olds.

Open to schools in Kirklees and also to family members.

Kate Pankhurst in Huddersfield – full event info & book now

Kate Pankhurst in Dewsbury – full event info & book now


Local Democracy Week 2017

Local Democracy Week 2017