Local Democracy Week 2023

Making a difference in your community
Local Democracy Week is our annual celebration of the difference that citizens are making in local places across Kirklees. It’s a way of helping people to get involved in their community, learn about democracy and have a voice in the decisions that really matter for our everyday lives. Here are the activities and events we know about so far. Want to add your own activity? Here are some tips: Be part of Local Democracy Week 2023?
What if everyone was able to get involved in shaping their local place?
Activities and events for citizens:
Shaped by People
Making a difference in your community
We want to hear how you feel about getting involved in your community. It’s part of our commitment to our Shaped by People shared goal, which was created by local citizens. It says that everyone should be able to get involved in shaping their community. Here’s how to take part…
How to take part online…
Please fill in our quick online scorecard and add your comments. It will take no more than 10 minutes. You’ll be helping us understand what’s helped you to get involved in your community (or what’s got in your way). You can also share your ideas about what you think would help more people to get involved.
Tell us how you feel
How to host a Shaped by People conversation…
We can send you our Conversation Pack in the post, so you can quickly ask people in your community group, your team or your neighbourhood to share their views. This includes telling us how Kirklees Council and other organisations can help more people to shape their local place. A group activity could take 20 minutes or less – or you might like to chat to people one-to-one, whenever there’s a good time.
Request our Conversation pack
If you’d like to host your conversation online instead, please get in touch with us at Democracy@Kirklees.gov.uk – we can help
Shaped by People: Our shared goal
Our stories, our places
Share your inspiring story
We all have a story to share. We’d love to share your story about how you’ve got involved in your community. We want to recognise and celebrate what you’re doing. You’ll also be inspiring others to get involved. You can take part online by completing our step-by-step form. Or we’d love to talk with you via phone, on Zoom or in person about what you’ve been doing and how you feel about it.
Share your story | Read our stories
Democracy Friendly Schools celebration
Celebrating our young citizens
Our Democracy Friendly Schools programme is supporting young people across Kirklees to learn about – and get involved in – local democracy. We’ll be celebrating the achievements of our young citizens during Local Democracy Week. Follow online at @KirkleesYC & @kirkdemocracy as we celebrate some of our Democracy Friendly Schools.
We are Democracy Friendly
Ask Honley
Drop-in sessions
Wednesday 4th October, from 5.30pm to 8.45pm at Honley Trinity Church, Honley
Thursday 5th October, from 10am to 1pm at St Mary’s Church, Church Street, Honley
Come along to one of these drop-in sessions to see what has been done in response to the ‘Ask Honley’ activities and help decide on the next priorities from our local action plan. Why not come along and discuss the plans and let us know if we are on the right track. Organised by the Friends of Honley community group, in partnership with all of Honley’s superb local organisations.
Ask Honley | Friends of Honley
People Helping People
Supporting Young People in South Kirklees
Tuesday 10th October, from 1pm to 4pm
The Hive Café, 46 John William Street, Huddersfield HD1 1ER
This event will bring together local groups who are working with young people aged 8 to 18 anywhere in South Kirklees. It’s a chance to hear more about the support you can access to do your great work even better, and to meet each other. Organised by TSL Kirklees and the Valleys Anchor CIC. Refreshments provided.
Register for People Helping People, South Kirklees
Dewsbury Arcade
Community Share Launch
Thursday 12th October, from 6pm to 7.30pm
Dewsbury Town Hall, Wakefield Old Road, Dewsbury WF12 8DG
The Arcade Group Dewsbury are raising £150,000 to re-open the Arcade as the first community run shopping centre in the UK. Come along to this launch event to let the group know what you’d like from your local arcade.
Register for the Dewsbury Arcade event
Marsden of the Future
And your part in shaping it
17th October, from 7pm
Marsden Mechanics, Peel Street, Marsden, Huddersfield HD7 6BW
This important meeting, organised by Marsden Community Trust, will introduce the next chapter in the exciting story of how Marsden people are shaping their own place. You can find out what local people said in the ‘What matters to Marsden’ activities and hear how this evidence is already creating new opportunities for the area. A new Town Team is being formed, working in partnership with Kirklees Council, to manage a design programme for the area. Levelling Up funding has also been granted to sensitively redevelop the New Mill on Brougham Road. Please come along to learn how you can get involved and make sure your voice is heard.
Marsden of the Future – invitation (PDF) |
What matters to Marsden
Cabinet & Full Council
Live streamed meetings
Cabinet 17th October at 3pm
Council 18th October at 5.30pm
Live webcasts from Huddersfield Town Hall, Corporation Street, Huddersfield HD1 2TA
Local government should always be open and accountable to our citizens. In challenging times, it’s particularly important that decisions are taken in the open. You can find the dates and times of all Kirklees Council’s formal decision making meetings on the council website. Agendas, items and reports are published 8 days before each meeting. You can also watch our meetings via live webcasts on YouTube.
Meetings & Decisions | Watch our Live Streams
Who are the Huddersfield Windrush Generation?
An evening of stalls, food, information and unity

Wednesday 18th October, from 7pm to 9pm
Bradley Seventh-Day Adventist Church, 5 Copthorne Gardens, Bradley, Huddersfield HD2 1RH
Come along to this event to learn about the Huddersfield Windrush Generation, many people who moved from the Caribbean to Huddersfield to make a home in Huddersfield from 1948. The Windrush Timeline begins with the story of the Pre Windrush Generation before 1947, the Windrush Generation from 1948 and the 1948 British Nationality Act and Huddersfield Windrush’s first arrivals from June 1948. Some of the Huddersfield Windrush 75th Anniversary Banners will be on display on the evening. There will also be stalls selling Food, Greeting Cards, Windrush booklets, Caribbean books, T-shirts and more.
For more info or to book a place,
email: kamscornercentre@gmail.com
People Helping People, Huddersfield
Community Anchors: Nurturing New Growth
Thursday 19th October, from 10am to 12 noon
Thornton Lodge Community Centre, Brook Street, Thornton Lodge, Huddersfield HD1 3JW
This event helps to connect people from community groups and local organisations in Huddersfield. It’s a chance to meet your local Community Anchors and the team at TSL Kirklees, and find out what support they can offer. Come along to promote your activities, meet people from other groups, and find out what’s happening locally. Includes funding information and the Yorkshire Wellbeing Skills Group website launch.
Register for People Helping People, Huddersfield
| Community Anchors
One Community AGM Celebration
Come and celebrate community power
Thursday 19th October, from 5.30pm to 7pm
John Smith’s Stadium, Huddersfield
An inspiring and informative evening where you can hear directly from some of the local groups funded by One Community, and from donors. The evening will touch on a wide range of topics that are close to the team’s hearts, including environmental issues, the cost-of-living crisis, anti-knife crime initiatives and more.
To book, email: Anne@one-community.org.uk
Newsome Voices
at the Growing Newsome Autumn Event
Saturday 21st October
From 10am to 1pm
Newsome Scout Hall, Newsome Road South, Newsome, Huddersfield HD4 6JJ
Come along to this community event to talk with Newsome councillors about the next steps for ‘Newsome Voices’. You can learn what people in Newsome have said during the recent Newsome Voices activities, and help decide on what happens next. Let us know your priorities and tell us how you’d like to be involved in making the changes you want to see.
There’s also lots on offer at this event for anyone who is interested in growing their own food, supporting community growing activities, or enjoying food that’s grown and made in our local area.
Newsome Voices | Growing Newsome Autumn Event
West Yorkshire Bus Reform
Have your say on how buses are run
Monday 23rd October; from 10am to 1pm
Thornton Lodge Action Group, Brook Street, Thornton Lodge, Huddersfield HD1 3JW
Tuesday 24th October, from 1pm to 4pm
Yorkshire Children’s Centre, Jo Cox House, Batley WF17 5DR
Or take part online from 10th October 2023 to 7th January 2024
Buses are the most used form of public transport in West Yorkshire, with over 1.7 million bus journeys taken each week. Yet the number of passenger journeys are in long term decline. West Yorkshire Combined Authority believes that the way our local buses are run needs to change, to improve the local bus system for our communities who rely on it. Come along to find out more and have your say, or take part online.
Have your say on how buses are run
Democratic Yorkshire Autumn Forum
A People’s Constitution
New date to be confirmed
This forum will focus on Democratic Yorkshire’s attempt to create and enhance their People’s Constitution for Yorkshire. Democratic Yorkshire is an alliance of voluntary groups and individuals. Their mission is for a vibrant democracy, inclusive society, and ecological civilisation for the benefit of the people of Yorkshire. You are welcome to contact the group to find out more.
Democratic Yorkshire |
Email: admin@democtraticyorkshire.org
Have your say on changes to ward boundaries
Local Government Boundary Commission Review
From now to 4th December 2023
The Local Government Boundary Commission for England is conducting an electoral review of Kirklees. This could mean some changes to the shape and names of local wards (the areas that people vote in, which are each represented by three councillors). You can get involved by sharing your thoughts on your local community’s identity.
Which communities do you think should be part of the same ward? What facilities do people share, such as parks, leisure centres or schools? And are there roads, rivers, railways or other features that you believe form strong boundaries between neighbourhoods? The Commission will use your views to help draw up proposals for new ward boundaries. There will be a further round of consultation when the proposals are ready.
Kirklees Electoral Review
TSL Kirklees volunteering drop-ins
Support for volunteers and local groups
Thursday 26th October
from 10am to 11.30am at Dewsbury Library
from 12noon to 1.30pm at Batley Library
One way that you can make a big difference in your community is through volunteering with a local organisation. The team at TSL Kirklees can help you to find the right volunteering role for you. They also support local groups to find volunteers. Drop-in for advice or see what’s available right now on their website.
Find a volunteering role | Support for organisations
Email: volunteer@tslkirklees.org.uk
Tel: 01484 519053, Text or Whatsapp: 07776 588691
Be part of Natural Kirklees
Volunteer with a local group
Natural Kirklees supports over 100 local organisations who are working to look after our green spaces, for people and for wildlife. You can find a local group on their website and get involved in our woodlands, rivers, parks, common land, allotments, green corridors, orchards and village spaces. You can also search for local green spaces, sign up for the newsletter or follow on facebook.
Natural Kirklees website | Natural Kirklees facebook
TSL Kirklees networks
Specialist networks supporting local organisations
TSL Kirklees are a small local charity who support community groups and organisations across Kirklees to grow and develop. They make great things happen that support local people and communities. TSL Kirklees co-ordinate lots of specialist networks and activities, so there may be a network that your organisation might like to get involved in. These include: Health, Social Care and Wellbeing, Social Enterprise, Climate Change, Community Buildings, KiNETIC disability network, Volunteer Managers, Safeguarding and also the Community Anchors network (there’s an anchor organisation for each part of Kirklees).
TSL Kirklees | TSL Events |
Email: comms@tslkirklees.org.uk
Democracy happens where you are
Learn about local democracy, from the ground up

Want to learn more about our local democracy? We can come and run an activity for your group, in a community venue of your choice – including in local buildings or in outdoor spaces. Or if you’d like to run your own session, we can provide some activity ideas to get you started.
Contact: Democracy@Kirklees.gov.uk
Activities and events for schools:
Democracy Friendly Schools
Introduction sessions for primary schools
All our young citizens should be able learn about – and get involved in – local democracy and civic life. We’re supporting schools in Kirklees to become Democracy Friendly. We’ll help you to get started with our ‘Everyday Democracy Activities for Schools’ with a one hour “train the trainer” style session at your school, giving you the information and confidence to help young people learn about (and be involved in) local democracy.
We are Democracy Friendly
Contact: Democracy@Kirklees.gov.uk
Meet the Mayor
For primary schools in Kirklees

Thursday 26th October, from 10am to 11am
Dewsbury Town Hall, Wakefield Old Road, Dewsbury WF12 8DG
The Mayor of Kirklees, Cllr Cahal Burke, is inviting primary schools to take part in a special session at Dewsbury Town Hall. He will be talking about his role as the Civic Mayor of Kirklees and also what it’s like to be a Kirklees Councillor. Children will learn about the Kirklees area and what their council does. They will also hear the history behind the Mayoral robes and ceremonial mace. This session is designed for children in Years 3 – 6 (Key Stage 2).
There will also be further ‘Meet the Mayor’ sessions in the future, which you’re very welcome to enquire about.
To book, please email: Civic.Office@Kirklees.gov.uk
Democracy Friendly Schools
Kirklees Youth Councillor training for high schools
We’re supporting all schools in Kirklees to become Democracy Friendly. Young people aged 11 to 16 have the opportunity to grow their skills, confidence and experience by taking part in our training programme and becoming Kirklees Youth Councillors. Our programme is flexible to suit your school. Find out more and sign up to take part:
We are Democracy Friendly
Contact: Democracy@Kirklees.gov.uk
Activities and events for staff:
Working with Councillors
New learning resources for Kirklees Council staff

Want to grow your confidence and understanding about working with Councillors? Not sure what Councillors do or what it means to work in a democratic organisation? Councillors have a unique role in connecting us to our citizens. They also have valuable local knowledge and insight to share. We’ll help you to understand what councillors do and to actively engage with our councillors. Our new online learning resources will help you to learn the basics and to feel confident working with our Councillors.
Search ‘Working with Councillors’ on My Learning
Shaped by People
Host a conversation with citizens
You can help us make progress towards our Shaped by People shared goal by talking with citizens about how they feel. We can send you our Conversation Pack in the post. Your participants will be able to share how they feel about getting involved in their community, tell us what Kirklees Council and other organisations can do to help more people get involved, and complete a Shaped by People scorecard (this is part of how we’re measuring our progress). A group activity could take 20 minutes or less – or you might like to chat to people one-to-one, whenever there’s a good time.
Request our Conversation pack
If you’d like to host your conversation online instead, please get in touch with us at Democracy@Kirklees.gov.uk – we can help council teams, partner organisations and local groups to get involved.
Shaped by People: Our shared goal
Introducing Shaped by People
Young Employee Network Tea ‘n’ Talk

Tuesday 3rd October
from 1pm to 2pm
Online (Teams)
This session for members of Kirklees Council’s Young Employee Network is all about our Shaped by People shared goal, which was created by our citizens. Participants will learn more about Shaped by People and why it matters for our local communities. We’ll also try out some practical ways of working with citizens to measure our progress. This will be a useful introduction for any young employee who wants to learn from our citizens and enable more people to shape their local place.
Email: Yen@Kirklees.gov.uk
Political awareness workshops for staff
Workshops for young council employees

Wednesdays 11th, 18th and 25th October, from 10.30am to 12.30pm
Hudawi Centre (Training Room 4), Great Northern Street, Huddersfield HD1 6BG
Want to find out more about working in a democratic organisation? Take part in our series of three online workshops for young employees at Kirklees Council. You’ll hear about the importance of the councillor role and find out how our staff and councillors can work together to make a difference. This series of workshops especially for young employees will give you an understanding of the benefits of working collaboratively and putting councillors at the heart of what we do, how we’re growing a stronger local democracy that’s shaped by our citizens, and where you can find further information to develop your skills and knowledge.
Register by 6th October to take part
Employee Supported Volunteering
Volunteering for Kirklees Council staff

Many of our staff are also active citizens who already give up their free time to volunteer in the community on evenings and weekends for a group or project that’s important to them. To encourage staff who have never volunteered to get involved, we have committed to giving all Kirklees Council staff two days of paid leave, through our Employee Supported Volunteering programme. Giving back to your community is extremely rewarding and is a way that you can get actively involved in shaping your local place.
Our Young Employee Network (YEN), Green Employee Network (GEN) and Parks and Green Spaces Team organised some practical environmental volunteering activities in the run up to Local Democracy Week. Look out for other volunteering opportunities on the council’s Intranet.
Search ‘Volunteering’ on the Intranet

About our partner events – We welcome other local organisations who want to get involved in Local Democracy Week. Kirklees Council are not responsible for the content of partner events.
If you’d like to organise your own event or activity, here are some tips: