Local democracy and lowering the voting age in Kirklees – University of Huddersfield Research

Local democracy and lowering the voting age in Kirklees – University of Huddersfield Research

University of HuddersfieldResearchers at the University of Huddersfield are encouraging young people aged 14 to 18 in Kirklees to take part in some research.  It will look at some of the wider issues around lowering the voting age and young people’s views on politics and democracy. There is a quick questionnaire, which anyone aged 14 to 18 in Kirklees is welcome to fill in:


There are just 7 questions and it should only take you a couple of minutes.
The survey closes in early July 2018.

About the research

The project is an opportunity for young people to share their views about local democracy and the potential to lower the voting age to 16. The aim is to hear directly from young people and to gather evidence about young people’s views on local democracy and voting.

Our ‘Growing a stronger local democracy’ report makes a number of recommendations about youth local democracy and citizenship education. Some young people in Kirklees told the Democracy Commission that they feel invisible in local politics and have few opportunities to learn about local democracy or to get involved in the decisions that affect their lives.

Some of the young people we’ve heard from want votes at 16, some don’t. Young people in Kirklees who have a range of different views about votes at 16 have told us that they want to have a say about whether the voting age should be lowered.

The University of Huddersfield are keen to engage with and listen to the views of as many young people as possible who are aged between 14 and 18 in the Kirklees area. They are also grateful for any help you can offer in encouraging more young people to take part.

The research project is also looking at wider issues about the rights and responsibilities that 16 year olds have, and exploring past and current debates about voting age reform.

Take part in the research


There are just 7 questions and it should only take you a couple of minutes.
The survey closes in early July 2018.

Find out more

The Votes at 16 research is being led by Dr Andy Mycock from the University of Huddersfield:
£119k grant to evaluate whether 16-year-olds should get the vote

Kirklees Council decided to support activities to raise awareness of Votes at 16 in the local area at a Full Council meeting on 15th November 2017:
Kirklees Council motion about Votes at 16 – item 20 (PDF)

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